Lost property in German

Items you might find in a Lost property office in German
German topic: Lost property, picture of die Geldtasche
die Geldtasche
German topic: Lost property, picture of die Brille
die Brille
German topic: Lost property, picture of das Handy
das Handy
German topic: Lost property, picture of die Handtasche
die Handtasche
German topic: Lost property, picture of der Fotoapparat
der Fotoapparat
German topic: Lost property, picture of die Videokamera
die Videokamera
German topic: Lost property, picture of der Rucksack
der Rucksack
German topic: Lost property, picture of der Koffer
der Koffer
German topic: Lost property, picture of der Schirm
der Schirm
German topic: Lost property, picture of die Schlüssel
die Schlüssel
German topic: Lost property, picture of das Scheckheft
das Scheckheft
German topic: Lost property, picture of der Reisepass
der Reisepass
German topic: Lost property, picture of die Kreditkarte
die Kreditkarte
German topic: Lost property, picture of das Geld
das Geld
German topic: Lost property, picture of die Jacke
die Jacke
German topic: Lost property, picture of der Pullover
der Pullover
German topic: Lost property, picture of das Sweatshirt
das Sweatshirt
German topic: Lost property, picture of der Walkman
der Walkman
German topic: Lost property, picture of das Fahrrad
das Fahrrad
German topic: Lost property, picture of der Laptop
der Laptop
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